The Dangers of Progressive Liberalism & The Failures of Traditional Conservatism

To properly understand the inherent failures of Conservatism, we must first look at the objects and aims of Liberalism.

The Goal of Progressive Liberalism

Progressive Liberalism seeks to empower those who do not have power, whether due to poverty, race, sexual orientation, religion, or any other reason. This goal is coupled with the strongly held belief by Progressive Liberals that people – if given the power to make choices for themselves – will ultimately make good choices.

In view of this belief, it is ironic that Progressive Liberals generally seek more government power and legislation.

The Methods of Progressive Liberalism

The primary method by which Progressive Liberalism achieves its aims, most usually and successfully, is by revolution against the status quo, whatever it may be.

The first step in this process is to identify an occurring evil; whether real or perceived, it doesn't particularly matter at this stage. The point is revolution and not, as is often claimed, justice.

Next, dissatisfaction with the way things are must be either spread or created, and then inflamed.

After an evil has been identified and a community or demographic sufficiently agitated about it, the Progressive Liberal must then organize those agitated individuals into protests and demonstrations. These can be either peaceful or violent, depending on which is determined to be necessary.

A major cry of Progressive Liberalism is the need for gun control, often with the tearful, almost apologetic cry that it is, "For the good of all!"

While it is a gross oversimplification to claim that all or even most Progressive Liberals don't genuinely wish for gun control for the good of us all, espousing gun control as a means to depriving the opposition of guns is one of the main tactics of Progressive Liberalism.

They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet.

–Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals, quoting Vladimir Lenin.

Additionally, corruption on the part of the Progressive Liberal politician is treated as an unavoidable evil, and any unwillingness on the part of an individual to "get dirty to get the job done" is looked on as weakness. Similarly, the belief that one can affect positive change without becoming corrupt is viewed as childish, simplistic, and naïve.

The last point of Progressive Liberalism is that it must have no end in sight. While it is tempting to think that the concessions that are demanded today will buy peace, the simple fact of the matter is that Progressive Liberalism must always progress. Like a man running down a steep hill, stopping or resting would be disastrous. There can be no end goal, no final destination. Progressive Liberalism must always progress.

Their mantra seems to be, "Start with nothing. Ask for everything. Leave with something. Never stop."

The Unsolvable Dilemma of Progressive Liberalism

The inherent problem that the Progressive Liberal faces, and does not have an answer or solution to, is that in nearly – if not all – examples where Progressive Liberalism has brought a person to power through revolution, that person has inevitably become as oppressive as the powers they overthrew, with equal or greater abuses and atrocities.

Almost invariably, the newly enthroned power's first step is usually to outlaw the means by which they first secured their position.

On Fundamental Conservatism

Traditional Conservatives are most often identified as the strongest supporters of the status quo. While this is partially owing to the fact that, by and large, Traditional Conservatives are at the top of the heap, this is also due to their values and beliefs: conservation and preservation.

Traditional Conservatism is primarily concerned with keeping things the way they are. Any proposed change is met with suspicion, hostility, and resistance.

The Methods of Traditional Conservatism

One of the methods by which Traditional Conservatism seeks to achieve its goals is to enshrine the status quo, identify it with the perceived values and traditions of America, and claim that it's, "What the Founding Fathers would have wanted" as much as possible. This tends to gain the support of the blue-collar and the middle-class.

Another method is to ally with wealthy, financially stable corporations, garner their support, and pass the sort of legislation that "built America and made it wealthy" which tends to favor those same corporations.

The Values and Beliefs of Traditional Conservatism
Traditional Conservatism is generally typified with financially responsible policies that try, as much as possible, not to change anything. Stability and consistency are two bywords that are valued very strongly amongst Traditional Conservatives.

A major belief of the Traditional Conservative is that people must be responsible for themselves, or they will become dependent. The desire for smaller government is often mouthed, but the underlying values are keeping things the same, not changing them drastically.

The Failures of Traditional Conservatism

One of the major failures of Traditional Conservatism is that its goal was never to make things better. Whatever systemic evils, long-accepted prejudices, common abuses inherent in the system, or tendencies towards corruption of the individuals, are viewed as merely part of a rich heritage. No need is seen for sweeping reforms because, "Things aren't as bad as they could be."

In addition, whatever change that does occur, even if genuinely abhorrent to the Traditional Conservative, becomes the new status quo and must be defended. The same issue that they must reject today, they will claim as sacred tomorrow.

A clear example of this was given when Medicare was introduced. Traditional Conservatives fought tooth and nail to keep it out, but after it was passed and became the status quo, it was accepted. Then Obamacare was proposed. Many of the same politicians who originally decried Medicare as an evil and wasteful program now defended it with all they had.

In Closing

Progressive Liberalism has been likened to a spear: always thrusting, never still, constantly seeking the throat of her enemies.

Traditional Conservatism has been called a shield: taking blow after blow, while never giving in or yielding.